
The Hieronymus Mueller Museum invites all Central Illinois residents to participate in a public online survey to collect information for long-term planning and updating its permanent exhibit. The survey only takes about 4 minutes to complete. It collects your preferences for:

  • Guided tours and other museum services or amenities
  • How much time you like to spend in a museum
  • What, if anything, prevents you from visiting the Hieronymus Mueller Museum
  • What topics and hands-on interactives you might like to see in a new exhibit

You’ll also get to see images from the museum’s collection and rate them based on how interesting they are to you. The information will help museum staff and the Board of Directors plan for updating its 2,000 square foot permanent exhibit in the next few years.

The survey is open from now through Friday, October 13. Complete the online survey below or on Survey Monkey >

“The current exhibit has served the museum well over the past 20 years,” says Museum Director, Katherine Unruh, “but it’s time for a refresh. By completing the online survey, you’ll provide valuable input about what you would like to see at the Hieronymus Mueller Museum.”

“You do not need to be familiar with the Hieronymus Mueller Museum or Mueller Company in order to complete the survey,” says Unruh. “In fact, you’re encouraged to complete the survey even if you’ve never visited the museum before, or if it has been a long time since you visited.”

View full Press Release >

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